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[color yellow]Intro[/color]
Well, i'm back! (No, I'm not dead) And now i'm updating my guides (wow, this one has alot of views).Well, no sense in delaying, here we go.
[color orange]Loadout[/color]
Spellslinger's "basic attack." Damage on this actually isn't bad and it isn't even the end of the world to surge it in very specific situations. Primarily here for the T8 bonus.
One of the core damaging abilities for a PvE Slinger. High priority surge target. Drop this down a few tiers until you get enough elder gems to get T8, the T8 isn't all that important.
The core of this build. Top priority surge target, should always be used before Rapid Fire.
Generic crit-proc. It's free damage.
The single target spice. Probably one of the most situational abilities on our loadout but it has its place. Not a very good surge target as it does no extra damage when your target is below 35% health.
Removes interrupt armor safely, must have for PvE.
Decent escape and can be used as an emergency interrupt. Worth taking.
Excellent escape, great for saving you from a certain death tele you can't out-run.
[color red]AMPs[/color]
Not alot to really go over here as most Slinger dps builds will be using pretty much the same AMPs but I'll go over the key ones.
Trigger Fingers-This is one of the key parts of this build. As our main damaging abilities both have considerable cooldowns, we will be using Quick Draw alot... which will reduce those cooldowns. Win + Win = Win
Critical Surge-This is our fuel. This build is very Spellpower dependent. So much so that if we didn't have this AMP it would be completely impossible to sustain this rotation. Even with this AMP you will still often not quite have as much SP as you need during long fights. Fortunately this isn't a huge problem as most fights have alot of phases where you will not be able to just sit and dps.
Deadly Chain and Gunslinger These are just good general AMPs to have as a dps slinger. Gunslinger also synergizes well with this cooldown based build.
Power Surge and Surge Damage These AMPs are also great for any dps Slinger, but this build also has a few ways to take extra advantage of them, such as leaving surge on for the entire Rapid Fire or True Shot so that the entire duration is buffed. You also want to be sure to use Flame Burst while surge is active so it is buffed as well.[/chapter]
[color blue]"Rotation"[/color]
First off, this build will not use much of a rotation. The cooldowns just don't match up well enough. So, what do we have? A (wait for it) Priority System (who would have guessed). While we do have a priority system, you will want to open pretty much always with the same opener. Which is:
->Surge On->
(if no proc use during Rapid Fire)->
After this opener, dps with this build is really quite simple, you just have a few things to remember. First, always keep the quickdraw buff up. Second, always use surged True Shot when available. Third, use surged Rapid Fire. Fourth, save Assassinate for quick bursts of damage to finish off low health mobs or a boss. If you find yourself unlucky and dont get enough Critical Surge procs to fuel all this surging just use a Rapid Fire unsurged.
[color purple]Immobility[/color]
You may be saying, "But Val, this isn't very mobile, won't I just die?" Well... nope. Why? Because this game, including the raids, are designed to be perfectly doable by a class that is even less mobile, namely Esper. As such, there really aren't many times when you will get yourself killed with this build unless you try to get greedy. Just remember, it isn't a complete loss to just keep moving at times and spamming Quick Draw. There really aren't any fights in this game where you won't be able to dps just fine with this build. Just don't start a True Shot while standing in red and you'll be fine.
Just a few notes (and this is primarily from a pvp perspective), from playing beta, i think that Gate is a better interrupt than Arcane Shock - for one because it is a re-position, for two, because an actual stun controls much more, and for 3, can be used completely defensively or to get across the map to reach objectives. Ignite doesn't really work that well with a quickdraw/wild barrage build, imo, and it really synergizes best with a heavier magic set and the supporting amps. Also, I would elevate the priority of spellsurge for Wild Barrage (situationally) - the 100% armor pen is beautiful against heavy armor. I also don't use rapid fire, because of the downtime and the temptation to use the full combo, it's too situational. Quick draw is absolutely worth spell surging early on in a fight against squishies, will do incredible amounts of damage. Also, weaving assassinate is OK, as long as you have full charges when opponent reaches 30% :) And that's just kind of my hands-on beta PvP opinion - otherwise (and I'm guessing what you're more likely intending), this seems like a decent raid build!
You do have a bit of a point, due to how the AMPs work it would be more beneficial to focus more one one type of damage, however, in this case I think it would be more beneficial to focus on using "good" abilities over magic or physical abilities. I really don think either physical or magic has enough abilities to make a full LAS using one or the other.
Now this is coming from someone who hasn't played yet but i would guess that focusing more on Magic OR Physical attack would be better than working them both in. I would see greater benefits with focusing on one or the other...again just a thought. On my profile is a build I worked on that was focused on Magic. Let me know what you think :)