Tank-Focused Shield Heal Medic healer medic pve pvp
Medic Guide by Helel Last update at Aug 2nd 2014, 06:48

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email community@ws-base.com.
    • 0. Why use this build?
    • 1. Abilities
    • 2. AMPs


    Basically, this spec is entirely oriented around generating actuators in order to use Shield Surge as frequently as possible. Why? Because shield healing a tank is preemptive, and in any situation (particularly 40Ms, however), doing this will ensure that your tank will last much, much longer. This is particularly true of all of the tanks, as the T4 of this spell adds additional Shield Mitigation, which essentially serves as block rating in this game. All three tanks can use this stat - Engineer Tanks can easily reach 100% Shield Mitigation with this), Stalkers, with their naturally low Shield Regeneration and high Avoidance will have more Shields to play around with, and Warrior Tanks will benefit the most, as the Warrior Tanking AMP "Fortify" gives them 25% more armor (that's a hell of a lot) if their shields are above 50%. What's more, this build is entirely capable of performing the sort of raid heals that a regular raid healing Medic would be focusing on, making the build quite versatile.


    - Spam
    in order to build Actuators. Why? Because it builds Actuators far faster than Emission and costs no focus. Healing via Emission is not the goal of the spec, though you can switch this for Emission if you are willing to sacrifice focus and actuators that could otherwise be going towards more Shield Surges.
    is your bread and butter. Use it whenever the tank is in need (it is particularly effective at 0% shields, though again, Warrior tanks get a 25% Armor buff when their shield is above 50%). This is where player skill comes in as well: You want to hit the tank with it while avoiding a hit on the boss, as the T8 provides even more Shield Healing in these situations.
    - Keep
    on cooldown, as this will naturally contribute towards the raid healing with little required of you.
    - Use
    to detonate your probes and to generally raid heal during phases that require raid healing.
    - Use
    on cooldown to provide even more raid heals.
    - For fights with spike damage or a need for Interrupt Armor, be sure to use
    - When you need focus, use
    - When you need a stun, use
    as needed.
    - Use
    on cooldown, this provides a huge reduction in damage taken, coupled with your already potent raid heals.
    - Use
    on cooldown as well, but make sure to use it near others who would benefit from it most. It provides even more oomph to your raid.
    when you need a Cleanse.


    - Support Power I, II, and III strengthen Shield Surge, which is what we are after!
    - Focus Cost I, II, and III allow you to use more Shield Surges without concern for focus. Good stuff.
    - Focus Recovery I is a filler point.
    - Reboot is a cornerstone AMP of this build, and really helps give your shield heals a major boost, as shields become depleted very, very often in raid settings.
    - Running on Empty is there for when and if you run out of focus. Since Emission T4 isn't part of this build, this helps in situations where Recharge is on cooldown and you are running low on steam.
    - Rejuvenator unlocks the Ability of the same name, which is something we are after.
    - Cooldowns I, II, and III let us use Discharge more often, enabling us to use more Shield Surges.
    - Solid State and Regenerator are predominately filler points, but prove to be quite nifty in certain encounters.
    - Protection Probes unlocks the Ability of the same name, which prevents quite a bit of damage.
    - Strikethrough I, II, and III prevents our Discharges from missing as often. This is important, as a lack of Strikethrough rating is the one and only weakness of this build, really.
    - Critical Hit and Critical Hit Severity I, II, and III make you crit more often and more potently - this is highly beneficial to us!
    - Null Zone is a filler. That being said, if you are anywhere near a mob/boss, you are passively mitigating. Way to go, you!
    - Scalpel! Forceps! is another cornerstone of this build. Most builds would forgo this talent because of how little most healing builds deal damage and because of how little most DPS builds heal. But this build can and should do both, thanks to a slew of healing abilities and good old Discharge. Having an extra 9% Healing done is absolutely nothing to scoff at, particularly when you function as a potent raid healer, as well.
    - And finally, there's Power Cadence. It may not seem like a lot, but in an 8 minute fight, Power Cadence is passively generating 32 Actuators, which translates to 16 more Shield Surges. Yes please.

    Hopefully I've sold you on this raid-oriented, tank-focused Shield Heal build. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to ask me below