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What do You think about this build ? First of all You will have similar amount of damage becouse
will give You nearly same as
. Ull have always slow for your target bcs of
is also very usefull, overloading shield is realllly good for Your instant double
, Ull have
for cc, You can take another skill if u want like
is a combo that allows You to heal in stealh if You got a problem and allows You to crit
while enemy has overloaded shield for even more burst. Im using
becouse it generates 66% dash token per hit so You can like spam dash every 1-2 second and dont have any problem with mobility and enemy's kite potential, I wont even talk about ''left in the dust amp'' and the synergy between this and Your dashes. All You need to do in combat is just play cd game, every of Your skill has a short cd, and even shorter after
, so with this build Ull have probably the most sustained damage of all builds avaible :)
This build is great to kill everyone, healers the most, theres really no way to run away from You ! Stalker just sticks to his target and kill it. Your rotation is quite simple. While engaging use
both in stealth and asap
, then all You need to do is just smash your head on the keyboard to use every
whenever viable, dont forget that You should use
while every other skill is on cd so You can use tier 8 well.
This build shows that You can rule this world without ''must have''
. With My build Ull have no problem with energy and damage output
Faster regeneration is always better, im using preparation for insta combo, with Phlebotomize, and double kick, it will increase crit chance by alot. Sometimes ull need even faster regen than just amps
i find preparation useless if you take Stealth Regen in AMP.
Ive been using this build for a long time, and im doin great. It shows that Impale isnt the only avaible option :)