Stat Calculator still in beta.
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Stack Attack Power and Crit Hit.
Leveling Progression
- To Tier 4 asap so that you can trigger them.
- To Tier 4 for the extra actuator used to do more
- To Tier 4 so that your big damage spell does even more damage.
- To Tier 8 so that you get more actuators back, to repeat more damage with.
- To Tier 8 so that when they explode, they hurt even more people.
- To Tier 4 gets you some more finisher DPS to hopefully keep you from having to go
spam to build them up.
DPS Rotation
- Lead with Fissure and Collider because you don't want to use them while you wait on your probes to tick down. Also Fissure 4 will help fill our actuators later in the rotation.
- Set your probes
- Big Bodda Boom! Once you get Fissure 4 and Quantum Cascade 8, your actuators will be full again even after casting this.
- Right about now, the mobs will try to cast on you, so go ahead and stun them for a short while.
- Big Bodda Boom! Empties out your actuators
Energize - Refills your actuators as well as buffing up your dps via the Meltdown AMP
- Big Bodda Boom!
- Probes should be ready to pop right about Pop 'Em
- Hopefully the mobs are below 30% (70% when Tier 4), collider does additional damage when they are.
- Reapply your probes for another round just in case.
- Big Bodda Boom! Empty your actuators
- A little more DPS and heals for you.
This will normally explode any group of trash pulled. Obviously if you pull an Elite, then you will need to use
to build up Actuators to hit them with
some more while Energize resets. Keep an eye on your probes, and use the same
rotation to apply them.