Maarnes first test build (PvE DPS) dps pve pvp warrior
Warrior Guide by Maarne Last update at Jul 5th 2014, 01:03

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
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    First test build for a DPS warrior doing mostly PVE content. Explanation of build to follow:

    So first and foremost I chose to go with a heavy emphasis on Relentless Strikes and Rampage since that would be the vast majority of where my DPS comes from. It was kind of a double reason for going to Tier 8 on relentless strikes as I figured it'd be nice to first squeeze more DPS from my primary ability AND have a shot at resetting the cooldown on Tremor (Which I also boosted to Tier 4 so it has 2 charges). Rampage to Tier 8 was another easy selection as it maximizes my overall DPS with the empower buff. Next up, and as stated before, Tremor was boosted to Tier 4 for the second charge. I haven't tested this BUT, my theory was that I would hopefully be able to capitalize on multiple procs from the Tier 8 Relentless Strikes bonus of it resetting the CD for Tremor. Which could possibly lead to a steady stream of Tremor into the rotation for a nice juicy burst of DPS. In a bit of hypocrisy, I chose to fore-go putting anything into Breaching Strikes solely because it's not a guarantee and the hope was that putting points into powerlink for the guaranteed extra DPS would make more sense. As for the Utility "Tree", you'll notice a heavy emphasis on IA reducing abilities. I went ahead and decided to invest in all three interrupts as to make myself incredibly useful in helping out in that department more so than for the sake of DPS. My original build actually took the ability points from Tremor and put them into Grapple which would have technically given my a total of 4 IA reduction abilities (As Tier 4 Grapple ups the charges to 2). It's something to consider switching back and forth depending on raid/group needs, so I figure for now I'll concentrate on sheer DPS.

    Onward to AMPs! Some of this was personal preference, but most of it seemed rather simple when it came to choices for DPS. Maxing out Assault Tier 1 just seems a must, as where spending 3 points each to Armor Pierce, Strikethrough and Cooldowns. My only personal preference choice here was for the CC Resilience, though I think that might get changed to Dash Regen. I could easily see an argument being made that dashes are far more important. As for Tier 2 AMPs, again I went heavy on the Assault side with points in Empower, Laceration and Detonate. Empower and Laceration are more AMPs that I consider must haves but Detonate was an interesting one. At first I figured it would HAVE to be Bloodlust, but then I figured Detonate could more than likely squeeze out MORE DPS over the course of a fight than Bloodlust possibly could at the end of one. Plus it gives me even more AoE (As if Warriors needed that but...I digress). Putting points in the Utility Tier 2 was a necessity so I could get Power Link, and after looking at the two I picked I think they're rock solid for survivability and sustained Kinetic Energy. Speed Burst could make the difference between being dead or staying in the fight while Kinetic Drive will help keep my Kinetic Energy up even when I'm dodging instead of bashing. I won't go too much into my Tier 3 selections, as two of them were to get Abilities I needed for the build, and the other two I've seen in just about every DPS Warrior build I've come across.