Baal Archimonde Engi DPS PvP Drop 9 Guide dps engineer guide pvp
Engineer Guide by Klynda Last update at Mar 21st 2017, 16:52

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email
    • 2. Explaining our LAS
    • 3. Breaking down the AMP tree
    • 4. Runing
    • 5. Matrix Update Thoughts
    • 6. Closing

    Sup, Baal Archimonde again. So the time has finally come for me to make my DPS Engi guide. Back in my engi tank guide I said I'd make one eventually, so here we are. Let's get right into the guide my fellow Engineers.

    Explaining our LAS

    Bio-Shell is one of our core abilities as a DPS Engi. This lets us reduce Technology mitigation for a nice damage buff and if we put it up to T8 it gives us a huge amount of burst. I've had this ability hit upwards of 8-10k sometimes if I get a lucky crit. In my opinion, this is the best volatility builder to use compared to Pulse Blast or Target Acquisition. Just use this ability in-between 30-70 volatility whenever it's off cooldown to generate Volatility and keep melting face. Sometimes you will have to use a dash to get your Volatility to 30 so you can insta-cast it which is perfectly fine, this can happen often.

    Our ABSOLUTE core ability of this entire class, Electrocute. I can't tell you how ridiculous this ability is when you're a full build DPS Engi with softcapped Multi-Hit. VI -> T4 UA -> T8 BS -> Innate -> Electrocute/Quick Burst off cooldown. This rotation will do many things. It will give you a nice healing debuff on whoever you hit with UA + a shield overload. It will give you Bio-Shell's -6% Tech Mitigation reduction on whoever you hit + it's big burst, and if you used Innate here, you're gonna cleave teams hard as hell. Once these things happen on any target in front of you, Electrocute will cut through them like a hot knife through butter. The best way to get the most out of Electrocute is to try and aim it to hit as many people in a line as possible. If you start to see people clumping up, that's where you should aim all of your abilities unless you really need to kill a healer. With your healing debuff though + large amount of constant DPS, you should be able to melt anyone at full build.

    Our standard CC. You can swap this out for Obstruct Vision if you prefer that, but I think Zap is superior because it synergizes with T8 UA nicely if you really need that extra healing reduction. I'd say run this always.

    Our next most important ability that we Tier up to 4, Unstable Anomaly. This is basically the Engineer version of a Warrior's ripsaw. Healing reduction, shield overload, just no % slow. This ability synergizes EXTREMELY well with Bio-Shell and Electrocute/Quick Burst. The shield overload boosts your damage by a ton and having a healing debuff on your team is crucial. Every team needs to have it. You can drop Bio-Shell down to T4 and run this T8 if you want the T8 healing reduction + the increased flat healing reduction it gives if you prefer that. I tend to stay with T8 Bio-Shell though because my damage with only T4 UA tends to be enough to dump on most healers.

    Urgent Withdrawal is our absolute key ability as to what keeps us alive 80% of the time in any form of PvP whether it's arena or Battlegrounds. With the Acrobat fusion + this ability, our kiting is absolutely stellar. I'll explain how to generally kite and then go into more "niche" situations. First off, to use this ability correctly, you need to use it after you Dash to cover the largest amount of distance between you + whoever you're kiting. Just using this ability without a Dash isn't gonna do anything, even with the Slow that it applies to whoever you hit. You HAVE to Dash before using this ability to cover a large amount of ground. So let's say a Warrior grapples, ripsaws, and then kicks you to the ground. You would do this, Shatter Impairment -> Dash away -> Urgent Withdrawal the SECOND your Dash ends. This will force him to use his gap closer whether it be Bum Rush or Leap, and then you Dash -> UW again and keep doing this until eventually he has no gap closers left and you just melt him with your DPS rotation I outlined above. When a stalker opens up on you, it entirely matters on your reaction speed. Basically, the second you see the stalker's telegraph behind you, you have to Dash -> UW away as fast as you possibly can to avoid any Impales. Even just one Impale is detrimental to the 1v1 the Stalker wants to pick with you because of how hard they can hit you once your shield is overloaded. Try to hit them with ANYTHING before they re-stealth to tag them with our "Shrapnel Rounds" AMP. This AMP is basically like Venom but with a lot more damage. If you hit the stalker before he re-stealths on his 1st opener, you can follow the damage numbers while he's stealthed to prevent him from getting an ideal 2nd opener to possibly kill you, which will in turn help you plan out how you want to kite/beat him. This all helps by practicing against stalkers but this is the general idea of how to deal with one. Medics are generally the same, you can usually Dash UW kite the crap out of them even with them running T4 Restrictor. Slingers can be a bit of a nuisance because of how fast they move, aiming Elec or any abilities for that matter becomes hard, so you'll have to practice for that one. Espers generally aren't that difficult either mainly because of our class set granting us IA on our Innate usage + me running a 3 IA gadget. I love having other sources of activatable IA so I have maximum uptime when DPSing, but this is just personal preference. You can run the Break Free gadget if you so choose. An extra CC break is never a bad idea.

    Our other source of Volatility building besides dashes + Bio-Shell, this ability is also very important. I tend to just use this off cooldown whenever I'm fighting. Pretty simple, but super effective ability. Every Engineer should run this at all times.

    Our class CC breaker. Very important to have unless you wanna sit in a bunch of CC every single BG. Always get this.

    Our "usable Multi-Hit" ability pretty much. You can cast this ability while casting anything else. Use this ability while channeling Electrocute to cleave teams harder, or if someone is low HP you can combo it with a Bio-Shell -> Unstable Anomaly -> Quick Burst (if all 3 are up somehow, you can use these 3 all at the same time) for a huge amount of burst damage. Quick Burst adds to a good amount of our damage, so I'd suggest to always have this on your LAS.

    Breaking down the AMP tree

    So just like in my Engi Tank guide, I'll be going over each AMP and elaborating on the ones that give us a proc/timed damage increase/etc.


    - Tier 1: Cooldowns 3/3, Dash Regen 2/3

    - Tier 2: Reckless Dash. This AMP is super important because it's our 3rd way of building Volatility outside of Bio-Shell and Volatile Injection. We use dashes for kiting, and dashing to build Volatility to maintain Electrocute channels/get 30 Volatility to cast BS is super important to learn how to do. ALWAYS get this AMP. This is probably one of the most, if not THE most important AMP an Engineer could pick up.

    Hybrid A/U

    - Tier 1: Armor Pierce 3/3. Nothing really fancy here, just helps us get through enemy damage Mitigations easier. Also synergizes well with the "Extra Hurtin'" AMP which I'll go over a little bit down this page.

    - Tier 1: Assault Power 3/3, Critical Hit 3/3

    - Tier 2: Harmful Hits, Extra Hurtin. These AMPs are pretty self explanatory. Harmful Hits gives you a huge MH chance boost when you crit, and with Electrocute hitting multiple people (even a single target), you will proc this while in combat almost 100% of the time. Extra Hurtin' gives us a very nice 8% Armor Pierce which stacks with the Bio Shell debuff and on top of the 6% Armor Pierce AMPs that we run. This gives us a lot of penetration and buffs our damage by a gigantic amount when killing people. Engis are gods at killing large groups of people, and all of this Armor Pierce stacking is a big reason behind it. Our damage is buffed to insane levels.

    The reasoning for not taking Shrapnel Rounds by the way is a simple reason. Run Venom in your weapon, and you basically have the same effect as that AMP, but you get the luxury of using those 4 AMP points elsewhere in the AMP tree to buff your damage directly. I value that more than AMPing for a pretty "meh" DoT in the AMP tree. Up to you though.

    - Tier 3: Unstable Volatility. Pretty self explanatory AMP as well. Just gives us an extra bit of damage after 3 hits on a target. Sorta acts like a free multi-hit in our AMP tree for just hitting someone. Good AMP to have.

    Hybrid A/S

    - Tier 1: Strikethrough 3/3. Just helps prevent our attacks from being Deflected in PvP. Nothing special here. After the Drop 8 value increase, it gives us a bit more Armor Pierce when hitting someone who only has the base 5% deflect due to the conversion rate. Small Drop 8 buff for Engi DPS in PvP :D.

    - Tier 2: Forceful Impact, Volatility Rising. Just a small damage boost for when we proc Multi-Hits which is basically all the time. Volatility Rising is, once again, another form of a Volatility builder but only procs while inside the 30-70 zone. This helps us channel Electrocute longer for more sustained DPS and less Volatility problems. This also indirectly lets Bio-Shell come off cooldown almost as we're about to leave the 30-70 zone sometimes which makes your rotation feel a lot cleaner.

    - Tier 3: Exploit Weakness, Razor's Edge. So this is a Drop 8 AMP tree change I made after Cruisin for a Bruisin got changed to a Vigor buff. Vigor, in my opinion, is absolute trash in PvP due to how fast you will start taking damage unless you have pocket healers with you. While Engis kite well, they will still receive damage more than likely when kiting, so the 5% Vigor does not outweigh having a 6% MH sev buff which replaces what got removed off of Cruisin for a Bruisin. Also, having a free 6% tech or phys damage boost after dealing either tech or physical damage is a good combination with the extra MH sev.


    - Tier 1: Critical Mitigation 3/3. Just personal preference here from me. I run 30.69% Crit Mit while in BGs (this includes these AMPs so without these AMPs it would be 18%. I run them just to help against Charged Shots/stalkers/anything that crits hard really. It comes in handy.


    So now that we got our LAS and AMP tree out of the way, let's go into how to rune our DPS Engi. It's pretty simple, it's just stacking Multi-Hit everywhere. I'll be outlining my exact runesets on my Engis atm and giving my exact stats.


    Venom, 2/6 Resurgence (+269 Crit Hit Chance), 5/6 Striker (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating )


    Barrage, 2/6 Resurgence (+269 Crit Hit Chance), 5/6 Striker (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating)


    8/8 Hypercharge (+269 Vigor Rating x2, +269 Multi-Hit x2, +269 Strikethrough). Use Superb Class Majors on 1 Vigor rune, 1 Multi-Hit rune, and 1 Strikethrough for this set.


    Flurry, 2/6 Resurence (+269 Crit Hit Chance), 5/6 Striker (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating)


    Enrage, 2/6 Resurgence (+269 Crit Hit Chance), 5/6 Striker (TWO 269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating)


    3/8 Hypercharge (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating), 5/6 Striker (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating)


    Acrobat, 2/6 Resurgence (269 Crit Hit Chance), 5/6 Striker (TWO +269 Multi-Hit Rating, +200 Multi-Hit Rating)

    Matrix Update Thoughts

    As I outlined in my Engi Tank guide in-depth, Black Hole is currently one of the strongest CCs in PvP currently. For DPS Engi, it's pretty easy to incorporate into an LAS. For this spec, all we have to do is drop Quick Burst. The general combo you're gonna want to look to do is Black Hole -> Zap -> Innate -> BioShell -> Unstable Anomaly -> Electrocute the shit out of them. The amount of cleave you get from doing this due to Black Hole's pull and then Zap's stun followup is absolutely gigantic. It also allows your team to cleave as well. I suggest always taking Black Hole in PvP now. It's too strong.


    Well, that about does it for my DPS Engi guide. I will probably update it here and there like I am doing with my Engi Tank guide, so expect a little more every now and then. Hope this helped out any aspiring Engi players. You can find me on Emperor Baal most of the time on the Exile side when I'm online. Good luck and have fun Electrocuting the crap out of people!